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  1. › wiki › Flight_levelFlight level - Wikipedia

    Flight levels are described by a number, which is the nominal altitude, or pressure altitude, in hundreds of feet, while being a multiple of 500 ft, therefore always ending in 0 or 5. Therefore, a pressure altitude of 32,000 ft (9,800 m) is referred to as "flight level 320".

  2. Poziom lotu ( ang. Flight level) – powierzchnia baryczna o określonym ciśnieniu oddzielona od innych takich powierzchni o określoną różnicę ciśnienia i odniesiona do specyficznej wartości ciśnienia zwanego ciśnieniem standardowym o wartości 1013,25 hPa (760 mm Hg).

  3. › weather › weather-and-climate-from-a-to-zFlight levels - MeteoSwiss

    The flight levels correspond to the altitude in 100-ft increments (hectofeet) above the pressure surface of 1,013.25 hPa calculated according to the standard atmosphere. For example, FL050 is the pressure surface 5,000 ft above the pressure surface 1,013.25 hPa.

  4. 25 sty 2024 · A flight level (FL) is a standard pressure altitude, expressed as three numbers. Aircraft flying on flight levels all measure their altitude from the same pressure setting, 1013.2 Hpa (or 29.92 InHg).

  5. 28 lis 2015 · Bawię się trochę CR3 Jeppesena i mam kilka zadań z obliczana wysokości: Między innymi: Na FL100 temperatura wynosi -13*C a wysokość wskazywana 12000ft. Wysokość elewacji lotniska to według QNH 5400ft. Na podstawie tych danych znaleźć wysokość rzeczywistą.. Wiem jak to zadanie rozwiązać..

  6. Flight Level (FL) A surface of constant atmosphere pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum, 1013.2hPa, and is separated from other such surfaces by specific pressure intervals. Altitude above sea-level in 100 feet units measured according to a standard atmosphere.

  7. Flight Levels (FL) are "officially designated" pressure altitudes at or above the official transition altitude (TA). These TA and FL designations are different by country, or even within different terminal areas of the same country.

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