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  1. Thanks to @protolambda and @jocopa3 for figuring out the slime chunk algorithm for pocket/bedrock edition, and depressed-pho for porting it to JavaScript. An online map viewer that helps you find new Minecraft seeds and locate biomes, structures, slime chunks and other features in your current world.

  2. 21 sie 2013 · Considering the pretty common design (20x20 base) for the iron golem farms, what is the minimum distance from one golem farm to another to make them work correctly? And how is this "distance" calculated diagonally?

  3. 9 maj 2019 · The usual double platform with water to push the Golems into a killing chamber to kill and collect the items drops. This works perfectly on my test world, where I have 3 stacked up (~35 vertical blocks apart). However, on my SMP Realm Golems just aren't spawning.

  4. Barring manual spawning, Iron Golem can naturally be spawned by villagers under two circumstances: Gossip is slow so most iron farming uses the panic method. Panicking will trigger spawning instantly so it is way more faster. In this article, I will go over how the panic way works.

  5. 11 maj 2015 · I haven't found anything describing the distance at which the special village golem spawning happens. I built a simple test golem farm in creative mode and found that at a distance of roughly 200 blocks taxicab, 140 Euclidean, it doesn't seem to work: I waited about 20 minutes and got no iron.

  6. The village must be within a player's simulation distance volume. There must be space to spawn an iron golem within a 16×6×16 volume around the village center. There is less than one naturally generated or spawned (i.e. not player-created) iron golem for every 10 villagers in the village.

  7. All panicing villagers attempt a summon every 5 seconds on a global timer if they have not detected an iron golem within the last 30 seconds. The distance is about 19 down and 17 in other axes. Golems are detected if their hitbox intersects with a 32-wide cube centered on the villager.