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  1. Example Calculations. A quarter wave (λ/4) antenna designed for 20 meter applications (15 MHz) has a length of 3.3 meters. The length of radials, assuming a 10% increase, is 3.6 meters. This assumes a velocity factor of 0.66.

  2. 2 dni temu · Our dipole calculator is a simple tool that allows you to compute the length of a simple antenna — it'll also provide you with the value of the wavelength and the adjustment factor [k].

  3. This calculator can be used to design a Quarter Wave Ground Plane antenna, with radials. The radiating element is a quarter wave (λ/4) and the radials are 12% longer. There are usually four radials, three being a minimum, but you could use up to six.

  4. Enter the physical length of the antenna (with the appropriate units) and select the type of antenna. The tool will provide the frequency it operates at. An wire antenna that is 10 m long will have an operating frequency of 7.5 MHz; A half wave dipole antenna that is 10 meters operates at 14.26 MHz; Background Dipole Antennas

  5. Nasz kalkulator dipolowy to proste narzędzie, które umożliwi ci obliczenie długości prostej anteny — poda ci również wartość długości fali oraz współczynnik skrócenia anteny [k]. W poniższym tekście omówimy podstawowe zasady budowy anteny, pokażemy jak obliczyć długość anteny dipolowej i wyjaśnimy, jak wykorzystać nasz ...

  6. This calculator calculates the reactive near field distance, radiating near field distance (Fresnel region) and the far field distance. Just enter the frequency of operation and the dimension of the antenna.

  7. This dipole antenna calculator determines the size of a simple dipole antenna for a given frequency and the dipole wire diameter. It also determines the wavelength and the length adjustment factor k.

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