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  1. This section focuses first on how we estimate distances, depending upon the level of interest, and then highlights some approaches for visualizing and gaining inferences from the distance matrix itself.

  2. Multidimensional scaling plots (Supplementary Data 2, 3) and a distance matrix (Figure 1) showed that the expression profiles of male and female leaves differed much less than those of...

  3. 11 gru 2023 · --ibs-test and --groupdist consider three subsets of the distance matrix: pairs of affected samples, affected-unaffected pairs, and pairs of unaffected samples.

  4. phyloT generates phylogenetic trees based on the NCBI taxonomy or Genome Taxonomy Database . From a list of taxonomic names, identifiers or protein accessions, phyloT will generate a pruned tree in the selected output format.

  5. The Geographic Distance Matrix Generator is a platform-independent Java application that implements the same powerful suite of spherical functions as the Perpendicular Distance Calculator to compute all pair wise distances from a simple list of geographic coordinates.

  6. Flow charts for calculating the distance matrix and comparing the recovered phylogenies. (A) Calculate Distance Matrix: Start with two FASTA files of the DNA coding sequences of two...

  7. Distance-based phylogeny problem. Input: distance matrix of pairwise distances for N species. Goal: find a tree consistent with the distance matrix. This means that the sum of edge lengths connecting each pair of leaves ij corresponds to a distance Mij.

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