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  1. Classes and objects. A class is a template from which objects may be created. Can have any number of instances (objects). An object contains state (data) and behavior (methods). Methods of an object collectively characterize its behavior. Methods can only be invoked by sending messages to an object. Behavior is shared among objects. 2.

  2. In this Java Tutorial, we learned how to define a Java Class; create objects for a Class; access properties and call methods on objects using dot operator; etc. In our next tutorial, we shall learn about Inheritance in Java.

  3. Lecture presentation on programming in Java. Topics include: object oriented programming, defining classes, using classes, constructors, methods, accessing fields, primitives versus references, references versus values, and static types and methods.

  4. An object is a conceptually integrated data collection that encapsulates state and behavior. A class is a template that defines the common structure for all objects of that class. Each object is created as an instance of one particular class, but a class can serve as a template for many instances.

  5. Objects and Programs. Java programs are made of objects that interact with each other. Each object is based on a class. A class describes a set of objects with the same behavior. Each class defines a specific set of methods to use with its objects. For example, the String class provides methods:

  6. A class definition defines a new type of values in Java. It gives us two main capabilities.

  7. We will write classes to define new types of objects. 3. Outline. Objects, classes, and object-oriented programming. relationship between classes and objects. abstraction. Anatomy of a class. instance variables. instance methods. constructors. 2. Abstraction. abstraction: A distancing between ideas and details.

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