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  1. Ada was originally designed by a team led by French computer scientist Jean Ichbiah of Honeywell under contract to the United States Department of Defense (DoD) from 1977 to 1983 to supersede over 450 programming languages used by the DoD at that time. [12] .

  2. Named in honor of Lady Ada, the Ada language was designed for developing reliable, safe and secure software. It has been updated several times since its initial inception in the 1980s and is a language of choice for high-integrity real-time systems.

  3. History of Ada. Ada was originally developed in the early 1980s (this version is generally known as Ada 83) by a team led by Dr. Jean Ichbiah at CII-Honeywell-Bull in France. The language was revised and enhanced in an upward compatible fashion in the early 1990s, under the leadership of Mr. Tucker Taft from Intermetrics in the U.S.

  4. 6 mar 2021 · History. In the 1970s, the U.S. Department of Defense used over 450 programming languages worldwide. Through a contest, they searched for the best possible common one. The original version,...

  5. Explore the historical context behind ADA’s creation in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Discuss the need for a standardized programming language for defense systems due to the diverse range of languages being used. Explain how ADA was developed with a focus on safety, reliability, and maintainability.

  6. The three chapters on the history of the Ada programming language give an interesting view into the development of the language and its changing fortunes; however, they are only tangentially related to Ada's legacy, since all that the language took from Ada was her name.

  7. Many Language Ideas drawn from Ada Ada-83 proves remarkably effective • Ada-83 depended heavily on generics • Improving reliability, by finding problems earlier • C++ dependend heavily on OOP and dynamic dispatching • Encouraging a disiplined programming style

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