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  1. 28 kwi 2019 · So to get the forward/backward speed only you can do something like this: speed = vehicleSeat.CFrame.LookVector:Dot(vehicleSeat.Velocity)

  2. VehicleSeat. The VehicleSeat objects welds a player to the seat when the player touches the seat. It then forwards the movement keys to any connected motor joints, allowing control of a vehicle. While VehicleSeats are great for making simple vehicles they do have some limitations.

  3. 12 sie 2021 · The default vehicle GUI uses the magnitude of the velocity to get the speed. local speed = vehicleSeat.Velocity.Magnitude The only flaw to this is when the car falls off the map the speed will increase crazily (you can try it yourself)

  4. 31 gru 2023 · You can simply apply or decrease the Throttle in a loop, based on if you either want to accelerate or decelerate. Example function: local acceleration = 0.01. local deceleration = 0.02. local isAccelerating = false. local isDecelerating = false. local function updateThrottle() while isAccelerating do. if seat.Throttle < 1 then.

  5. Let's add a script to make things happen when you drive your vehicle. Now, create a script and place it into a VehicleSeat. The first thing we want is to detect constantly what is happening to the special properties of...

  6. 30 maj 2021 · Hi, I’m trying to find the current speed of a vehicle or VehicleSeat so I can make the vehicle sound pitch change depending on the speed. I have already tried this: while true do wait() print(Vehicle.VehicleSeat.&hellip;

  7. 23 sie 2022 · Just add the MaxSpeed by +2 whenever you want in the script, then reset it to what it was previously when wanted. Here’s an example to put inside the vehicle seat. speedTime = 5 --Code here to trigger it script.Parent.VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed = 27 task.wait(speedTime) script.Parent.VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed = 25

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