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  1. 28 kwi 2019 · So to get the forward/backward speed only you can do something like this: speed = vehicleSeat.CFrame.LookVector:Dot(vehicleSeat.Velocity)

  2. The VehicleSeat objects welds a player to the seat when the player touches the seat. It then forwards the movement keys to any connected motor joints, allowing control of a vehicle. While VehicleSeats are great for making simple vehicles they do have some limitations.

  3. 26 kwi 2022 · You can find the speed of the driver’s seat finding the magnitude of the velocity of the driver’s seat. Basically: DriverSeat.Velocity.Magnitude And to round the value off to the nearest whole number you can use math.floor()

  4. The velocity of an object describes its speed and direction. Calculating the magnitude of a Vector in Roblox will give you the speed.

  5. 9 paź 2022 · For the speed, you just check the HumanoidRootParts velocity. speed = Player.Character.PrimaryPart.Velocity.Magnitude. This is the best way to get the character’s speed, but to check if the character is grounded you can simply check the Player.Character.Humanoid.FloorMaterial value.

  6. 22 cze 2020 · There are multiple ways to check if a humanoid is sitting: You can check if the Sit property of humanoid is true. You can attach a Seated event on the humanoid. On the seat, you can check if the Occupant property is nil. If it isn’t nil, then someone is sitting there. As for not making them jump out, do what the 1st reply ( @DarkDanny04 ) said.

  7. 23 sie 2022 · Just add the MaxSpeed by +2 whenever you want in the script, then reset it to what it was previously when wanted. Here’s an example to put inside the vehicle seat. speedTime = 5. --Code here to trigger it. script.Parent.VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed = 27.

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