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  1. 1 sty 2014 · Psychological distance is based on subjective perception (Wang et al., 2019), which can be posited from four dimensions including space (where the event occurs), society (to whom), time (when...

  2. Psychological distance was first defined in Trope and Liberman's Construal Level Theory (CLT). However, Trope and Liberman only identified temporal distance as a separator. This has since been revised to include four categories of distance: spatial, social, hypothetical, and informational distances.

  3. Social distance refers to the extent to which people experience a sense of familiarity (nearness and intimacy) or unfamiliarity (farness and difference) between themselves and people belonging to different social, ethnic, occupational, and religious groups from their own.

  4. Psychological distance is defined within the Construal-Level Theory (CLT), which was developed by Trope and Liberman . Their first approach referred only to the temporal distance and assumed that we judge a more distant event in time by few abstract characteristics (high-level construal).

  5. 9 lis 2023 · Two central tenets of CLT are that (1) dimensions of psychological distance are intrinsically connected and (2) psychological distance affects the level of abstractness of mental representations (i.e., level of construal) and vice versa.

  6. 24 sty 2013 · We propose that asymmetric dependence between individuals (i.e., power) produces asymmetric social distance, with high-power individuals feeling more distant than low-power individuals. From this insight, we articulate predictions about how power affects (a) social comparison, (b) susceptibility to influence, (c) mental state inference and ...

  7. 8 sty 2018 · At present, prime measurement methods concerning psychological distance in sociology field include MAPS test (Make a Picture Story), CID test (Comfortable Interpersonal Distance), PDS scale (Psychological Distance Scale), and IOS questionnaire (Relation Closeness Inventory), and of which, MAPS tests estimate inner personal psychological ...

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