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  1. Estimates the contribution of each capacitor to the dominant pole frequency separately. Enables the designer to understand what part of a complicated circuit is responsible for limiting the bandwidth of amplifier. The approximate magnitude of the Bode Plot is.

  2. Summary of Results for Miller Compensation of the Two-Stage Op Amp There are three roots of importance: 1.) Right-half plane zero: z1= gmII Cc = gm6 Cc This root is very undesirable- it boosts the magnitude while decreasing the phase. 2.) Dominant left-half plane pole (the Miller pole): p1 ≈ -1 gmIIRIRIICc = -(gds2+gds4)(gds6+gds7) gm6Cc

  3. Time-independent perturbation theory. It is more convenient and general if we imagine a specific fixed perturbation (e.g., a field E) and we mathematically increase a “house-keeping” parameter from 0 to 1 so our perturbation is E with E fixed Now we express changes as orders of rather than of the field itself. E.

  4. Miller Effect Reading Assignment: Howe and Sodini , Chapter 10, Sections 10.1 -10.4. 6.012 Electronic Devices and Circuits -Fall 2000 Lecture 21 2 ... – where τT is the transit time of electrons through the channel • In common -source amplifier, voltage gain rolls off at high frequency because C gs and C gd short circuit the input • In ...

  5. gd(1 + g mR 0 L)V gs (2.4) The above results in that C eq = C gd(1 + g mR 0 L) (2.5) This equivalent capacitance C eq is much larger than C gd, and this e ect is known as the Miller e ect, and the factor (1 + g mR0 L) is the Miller multiplier. Hence, the larger the gain of the ampli er is, the larger this e ect is. One can see that C eq is much ...

  6. simply use the dc gain of the second stage ()A v20 in (1) and (2) to find an estimate of C 1M and C 2M. We then proceed to write an expression for Aj vl1()~ and Ajl v2()~ . How valid is this approximation? Aj vvll()~~((= Aj 12 )(Aj vl ~)) has two poles corresponding to the two capac-itive nodes in the circuit and a zero due to C 12. We do not ...

  7. Using the exact second-order transfer function in conjunction with open-circuit time con- stant estimates, we have derived approximate expressions for the pole locations. We’ve

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