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  1. We, students of Great Britain and its territories and India, North and South America, the USSR, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, China, Holland, Norway, Poland, Yugoslavia and all free nations, to honour and commemorate the tortured and executed students who were the first to raise their voices to reject Nazi oppression and condemn the ...

  2. The bank's ruthless managers assassinate potential threats, including their own employees. Inspired by the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal of the 1980s, the film raises concerns about how global finance affects international politics across the world.

  3. International students or exchange students, also known as foreign students, are students who undertake all or part of their secondary or tertiary education in a country other than their own. In 2021, there were over 6.39 million international students, up from 5.12 million in 2016.

  4. 30 paź 2023 · Jednym z wydarzeń w ramach Międzynarodowego Dnia Studentów jest darmowy seans filmowy! Wybraliśmy dla Was dwie międzynarodowe propozycje filmowe – komedię/dramat Dobrze się kłamie w miłym towarzystwie (Włochy, 2016) oraz thriller/kryminał Contratiempo (Hiszpania, 2016). Jak przystało na seans filmowy, to nie odbędzie się bez popcornu oraz napojów!

  5. 16 lis 2019 · On 17 November 1939, the Germans targeted Czech students in response to anti-Nazi demonstrations which were held in Prague. The turbulent events not only inspired the creation of International StudentsDay, but are also inextricably linked to the beginning of the Velvet Revolution 50 years later.

  6. 6 lis 2023 · Film zostanie wyemitowany na portalach społecznościowych i kanałach medialnych Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Wszystkie biorące udział w konkursie będą odtworzone publicznie w trakcie trwania Międzynarodowego Dnia Studenta 16-17.11.2023.

  7. 26 paź 2023 · One of the events during the International StudentsDay is a free movie screening! We have selected two international film options for you – the comedy/drama ‘Perfect Strangers‘ (Italy, 2016) and the thriller/crime film ‘The Invisible Guest‘ (Spain, 2016). See more.

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