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  1. 21 paź 2020 · I want to get the exact distance between two points to spwan a rope with exactly that Length; What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

  2. 16 gru 2023 · There’s a pivot editor tool in Studio, or you can position your model in the workspace exactly where it should be spawned, then use the properties pane or command bar to move the pivot point to the spawn point - in your example, to position 1,1,1 and orientation 0,0,0.

  3. 13 lut 2024 · Thanks to the pivot update, it’s relatively simple to compare distances between models. You’re using this for character models, but this can be used for models in general. local model1 = workspace.Model1 local model2 = workspace.Model2 local distance = (model2:GetPivot().Position - model1:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude

  4. UPDATE : May 1, 2022 - The moving block script still works, but since Roblox updated the physics, you won't be able to ride on the moving part. But you sti...

  5. 24 lut 2019 · I am looking for a more efficient method for getting the nearest object to the Core BasePart. I wrote this below but I have a feeling that it is very excessive. Let me know what you think. local Model = workspace.Model. local Core = workspace.Core. local NearbyChild. local MaxSearchDistance = 30. local SearchDistance = 1.

  6. 3 dni temu · Assuming this is in a 3D space, you could make a function that looks something like this: local min_distance , max_distance = 5,10 local origin =,0,0) function is_within_ring(position) local distance = (origin - position).Magnitude return distance > min_distance and distance < max_distance. end

  7. 2 sty 2021 · I’m trying to get the player’s distance from a part to see if the can open a door or not but it doesn’t seem to want to work. Here is my code, (variables) local MiddlePos = script.Parent.Parent.Middle.Position. local Distance = script.MaxDistance.