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  1. 3 maj 2017 · The Cotswolds was well known throughout Medieval Europe as the source of some of the best wool available. The rolling hills of the region were, and still are, perfect grazing for sheep, and the area became famous for the Cotswold Lion – a native breed of sheep with a distinctive long golden fleece.

  2. Cotswolds to obszar ponad 2000 w południowo-środkowej Anglii, który objęty jest strefą krajobrazu chronionego Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. I faktycznie jest to obszar wybitnie piękny, który odwiedzany jest corocznie przez tysiące turystów.

  3. › wiki › CotswoldsCotswolds - Wikipedia

    History. The largest excavation of Jurassic period echinoderm fossils, including of rare and previously unknown species, occurred at a quarry in the Cotswolds in 2021. [13] [14] There is evidence of Neolithic settlement from burial chambers on Cotswold Edge, and there are remains of Bronze and Iron Age forts. [15]

  4. Cotswolds (także Cotswold Hills) – pasmo wzgórz wapiennych w południowo-środkowej Anglii o długości 145 km i szerokości 40 km. Najwyższe wzniesienie Cleeve Hill ma 330 metrów wysokości. We wzgórzach Cotswolds swój obszar źródłowy ma rzeka Tamiza. Wzgórza są działem wód między dorzeczami rzek Severn i Tamizy. Rejon ...

  5. People have lived and worked in the Cotswolds for thousands of years, each age leaving its mark for modern day visitors to discover and enjoy: from prehistoric tombs and stone circles to Roman villas, medieval churches, the Arts & Crafts movement and the industrial revolution.

  6. › HistoryMagazine › DestinationsUKThe Cotswolds - Historic UK

    The Cotswolds – designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Famous for picturesque villages of mellow honey-coloured stone, gentle hills, peaceful pastures and winding rivers. However 362 years ago it was a very different scene, for the Cotswolds were the setting for bloody battles and violent skirmishes during the English Civil War .

  7. 5 dni temu · COTSWOLDS Comes from the name of an Anglo-Saxon chieftain named Cod in the 12th century that owned high land or "wold"- hence "Cod's wold" and eventually became "Cotswold". The Cotswolds are sometimes known as "King Cod's land".

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