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  1. 15 lut 2020 · use AT TIME ZONE. select getdate() AT TIME ZONE 'India Standard Time' So you can easily set parameter for timezone and can get the local timezone datetime

  2. 16 lis 2015 · I have a table that consist of many columns, among them two dates (startDate and endDate). The table contains 15.000.000 records. My query is is setup like this. SELECT ID FROM table WHERE @inputdate BETWEEN startDate and endDate How should my index be setup to maximize performance?

  3. To calculate the difference between the arrival and the departure in T-SQL, use the DATEDIFF(datepart, startdate, enddate) function. The datepart argument can be microsecond , second , minute , hour , day , week , month , quarter , or year .

  4. Yes it is possible to do this, but not with the syntax you used. The key is that you need to create a computed column in the table and then index that: ALTER TABLE customers ADD MonthOfBirth AS MONTH(dob) PERSISTED; CREATE INDEX customermonth ON customers (MonthOfBirth);

  5. First, instead of storing intervals we could use this table: ClientId, PrescriptionId, DrugId, Date. We can use trusted constraints to make sure each PrescriptionId covers a range of dates without gaps and overlaps, so that one interval stores as one unbroken sequence of dates.

  6. Using the index SD1, perform an index seek on MyJoinTable to find records by StartDate1, and filter them by StartDate2 , EndDate1, and EndDate2 in the residual predicate. Join the entity tables using their natural key Id.

  7. 5 cze 2015 · Lead can be used directly to calculate the duration: SELECT IssueID, newstatus Status, datediff(minute,updated, lead(updated,1,getdate()) over (partition by issueid order by updated)) DurationInMinutes. from issuestatus. From there getting the totals can be easily done with a normal sum, making the final result:

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