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  1. A soil test is an excellent way to gauge current soil productivity, discover soil issues, and plan for maintenance of soil health through the addition of appropriate soil amendments. These tests are relatively inexpensive and provide valuable knowledge and insight into our soils.

  2. So, you’ve got your soil test results back from the lab for your lawn, garden, or landscape. What do the numbers mean, and what do you need to look for? A basic soil test will provide information in several categories. soil organic matter; pH; cation exchange capacity; phosphorus levels; potassium levels

  3. Soil Test Labs. Use labs certified by the Agricultural Laboratory Testing Association. The Agricultural Laboratory Testing Association maintains a list of privately owned commercial labs. The site lists the contact information, services provided and certification programs.

  4. soil testing is an important element in nutrient management. You can use soil tests as a diagnostic tool or to identify trends through time. To obtain meaningful test results, you must sample soil correctly, at the same time each year, and you must maintain records.

  5. These yield response curves were used to determine 1) the critical soil test level, or point at which near maximum yields could be obtained; and 2) the soil test level at which additional fertilization is very unlikely to increase yields. The range of soil test values between these two points is defined as the maintenance level. Fertilizer

  6. Sampling: Take several samples approximately 4-6" deep around the area to be tested using a soil probe, trowel, or shovel. Mix together thoroughly in a clean bucket and transfer 1-2 cups of soil into a labeled quart bag. Submit a separate sample for each unique area (garden, lawn, flowers, etc.).

  7. The guidelines will help you determine what drainage practices are best suited to your particular soil. These guidelines are based upon field tests and upon past experience with drainage practices on various soils.