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  1. The Haitian Revolution brought about two unintended consequences: the creation of a continental America and the virtual end of Napoleonic rule in the Americas. There never again was such a large-scale slave rebellion.

  2. 21 maj 2024 · The island’s indigenous population, forced to mine for gold, was devastated by European diseases and brutal working conditions, and by the end of the 16th century the people had virtually vanished. Thousands of slaves imported from other Caribbean islands met the same fate.

  3. 30 maj 2021 · In essence, the Haitian revolution of 1791-1804 was a cataclysmic event for a world system largely defined by slavery, especially in the Caribbean and the Americas, where the effects were ...

  4. After years of warfare and social, economic and political upheaval, most Americans and Europeans looked forward to peace and stability, yet the age of revolution was beginning rather than ending, and soon the French Revolution would engulf Europe as the Haitian Revolution erupted in the Caribbean.

  5. Of all the Atlantic revolutions, the fifteen-year struggle that transformed French Saint-Domingue into independent Haiti produced the greatest degree of social and economic change, and most fully embodied the contemporary pursuit of freedom, equality, and independence.

  6. 18 paź 2023 · The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) was a key turning point in the Age of Atlantic Revolutions. The most successful rebellion by enslaved people in world history, it prompted the first direct colonial representation in a European legislature and created the second independent state in the Americas.

  7. 10 maj 2010 · The Haitian Revolution has continually triggered scholarly (and literary) interest since its inception, thanks to its unique blend of racial, international, and political factors. But it has remained largely peripheral to distinctive historical narratives.

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