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  1. 25 sty 2024 · Population statistics in maps and charts for counties, municipalities, cities, towns, villages and city districts in Lithuania.

  2. Contents: Cities & Towns. The population of all Lithuanian cities and (urban) towns according to census results and latest official estimates.

  3. List of cities in Lithuania. Vilnius is the largest city of Lithuania with urban population over 700,000 inhabitants. In Lithuania, there are 103 cities (in Lithuanian: singular – miestas, plural – miestai ).

  4. 6 kwi 2001 · The population of the counties and municipalities of Lithuania according to census results and latest official estimates. The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (gender, age groups, age distribution, urbanization, citizenship, country of birth, ethnic group, religion). Name.

  5. The territory of the Republic of Lithuania currently comprises 10 counties and 60 munici­palities. The county is a higher administrative unit. It is formed from the territories of the municipalities characterized by common social, economic and ethno-cultural interests.

  6. At the beginning of 2020, 1 million 882.5 thousand (67.4 per cent) residents of Lithua­nia lived in ci­ties and towns, 911.6 thousand (32.6 per cent) – in rural areas. In 2009–2019, the urban resident popula­tion decrea­sed by 11.4, the rural resident population – by 13.7 per cent.

  7. Introduction. Population of the country. Fertility. Mortality. Marriages and divorces. Migration of the population. Concepts and methodical information About the publication. Population and its composition. Urban and rural residents.

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