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  1. 14 lis 2018 · One way would be to calculate the total energy change needed for a take-off and then to calculate how long the engine has to run to provide the aircraft with that energy. Once you have time and speed, calculation of distances should be easy. Calibrate with the charts if needed.

  2. So to truly calculate the trend we will need more samples of distance. Using your numbers, the 737 flies at an average of 248 mph whereas the DC is at 284 mph. This gives each plane, respectively, an adjusted speed of 41.9% and 43.3% of the quoted speeds (max speeds? cruising speeds?).

  3. I would like to use excel to automate the calculation of Takeoff and Landing Data (TOLD) for an airplane. Typically, one set of charts (there are usually a whole load more, too!) might look like this:

  4. A simplified formula for target time is as follows: .117*distance + .517*(longitude of origin – longitude of destination) + 43.2. The formula produces an estimated travel time in minutes. In the formula, distance is the great circle distance converted to miles between the origin and destination airports.

  5. 10 lut 2003 · Having a bit of a problem displaying calculated times using the distance speed formula. To calculate a time, I use (distance*60)/speed and get the resultant time in minute but how can I format the display to show it in hours:mins:secs. eg.. for 60mins, I'd like it to display 01:00:00. for 90min, I'd like it to display 01:30:00.

  6. This is a tool for pilots to quickly determine flight times, including adjustments for speed, tailwind, take-off and landing times. You can also get the straight line distance "as the crow flies".

  7. 5 lis 2019 · Calculating the time needed to overcome various distances based on the declared Pace. If in column C starting from C15, the pace is given in the format hh: mm: ss, and in line 15 starting from G15 the distance to do, then the formula in this case for the cell G15 looks in the following way: =($C15*24)*G$13/24.