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  1. 4 dni temu · First, we cover the basics of what a scratch disk is. Second, we show you the easiest way to clear your purgeable space and get your scratch disk spick and span with CleanMyMac X. With this essential app, your solution really is just seconds away. And with its range of other must-have features – like malware removal, update automation, and ...

  2. 2 dni temu · I've watched many many Youtube videos regarding Scratch, Cache & Project files setup on which disks/SSD/NvMe ... and lots of contradictions and left me uncertain ... so wanted to ask here what is best setup!

  3. 3 dni temu · I'm trying to install Photoshop CS6 on Windows 10. The installation goes fine and Photoshop works. Unfortunately, I need to sign in to my Adobe account. This is impossible because I receive a message about the need to update the system and browser. For now I can only work for 7 days.

  4. 2 dni temu · In this tutorial, I will tell you in detail how to use the functions of Photoshop in creating stars, planets, nebula, and combine them into a unified and harmonious composition, color adjustments and more. You will learn a lot of useful and interesting techniques for space-art and Photoshop.

  5. 4 dni temu · Free! Download a complete set of ultimate keyboard shortcut cheat sheets for every major Creative Cloud tool – these will speed your work and save you a ton

  6. 5 dni temu · You can merge them in Photoshop (File > Automate > Photomerge), or by selecting images in Adobe Bridge and sending them to Photoshop from there (Tools > Photoshop > Photomerge). In the Photomerge dialog box, the distortion is controlled by the Projection option.

  7. › bundle › m_microsoft_platform_guidePure Storage Documentation portal

    5 dni temu · You can also run Get-Disk to show the serial number. $AllDevices = gwmi -Class Win32_DiskDrive -Namespace 'root\CIMV2' ForEach ($Device in $AllDevices) . { if($Device.Model -like 'PURE FlashArray*') { @{ Name=$Device.Name; Caption=$Device.Caption; Index=$Device.Index; SerialNo=$Device.SerialNumber; } } } Example Output.