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  1. 14 godz. temu · But I'm looking for a shorter phrase, like the two below, and want to learn if the generator expression is too expensive compared to the for-loop above. And I think generator is more efficient than list comprehension as the latter iterates over data more than once. # generator expression found = typ in (c['type'] for c in universe_creatures)

  2. 4 dni temu · In this example, a Python function sum_of_natural_numbers is defined to calculate the sum of the first N natural numbers using a while loop. The function initializes variables total and count, iterates through the numbers from 1 to N, and accumulates the sum in the total variable.

  3. 3 dni temu · - Calculator with custom functions and error handling. - This calculator supports trigonometric functions, logarithms, and advanced mathematical operations. - It also includes error handling, clipboard functionality, and expression history.

  4. 2 dni temu · string attribute is provided by Beautiful Soup which is a web scraping framework for Python. Web scraping is the process of extracting data from the website using automated tools to make the process faster. If a tag has only one child, and that child is a NavigableString, the child can be accessed using .string.Prerequisite: Beautiful Soup Installa

  5. 3 dni temu · In a file called, implement a program that prompts the user for an arithmetic expression and then calculates and outputs the result as a floating-point value formatted to one decimal place.

  6. 5 dni temu · In a file called, implement a function called count that expects a line of text as input as a str and returns, as an int, the number of times that “um” appears in that text, case-insensitively, as a word unto itself, not as a substring of some other word.

  7. 2 dni temu · So, we have values increasing positively to the right, and negatively to the left. To make them both positive, we can take the absolute value, or abs: abs(r) do our usual invert trick: 1 - abs(r) The invert lets the numbers go negative beyond the area we're interested in, so we'll clamp the result to be between 0 and 1: clamp( 1 - abs(r) )

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