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  1. 5 dni temu · For experienced runners, training heavy squats and explosive lower body work two or three times a week can improve your running form and help you go farther and faster.

  2. 5 dni temu · This means running the same distance on a trail vs. on a road is likely to take longer – and generally the more ‘technical’ (uneven / slippery / loose) the terrain is, and the steeper the hills are, the longer it will take.

  3. 3 dni temu · The answer to what is the most weight you can lose in a week or max weight loss per week in extreme cases could be higher, but it is very dangerous to exceed about 2 lbs or 1kg a week of weight loss; even that is pushing it for a rate of long term or sustainable weight loss.

  4. 4 dni temu · Week 6: (5/6/6/6/4) miles (27 miles per week) Week 7 : (6/6/6/6/6) miles (30 miles per week) For weeks 8, 9, and beyond, increasing the distance of your runs is unnecessary; work on the speed of your 6-mile runs and get them down to 7:30 per mile or lower.

  5. 5 dni temu · Plan on running at least three times a week, incorporating one to two days of cross-training per week to help build your fitness and boost your injury resistance. Keep in mind that if you sign up for a race, you do not have to run the entire distance, walking is fine if needed.

  6. 19 godz. temu · Two airplanes leave the same airport. One heads north, and the other heads east. After some time, the northbound airplane has traveled 12 miles. If the two airplanes are 20 miles apart, how far has the eastbound airplane traveled?

  7. 5 dni temu · Russia (ranked as the largest country in the world at 6,601,670 square miles) and the United States (ranked as the fourth largest country in the world at 3,677,649 square miles) are only separated by a short distance but time wise are 21 hours apart.