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  1. The archaic human species of Homo erectus arrived in Eurasia sometime between 1.3 and 1.8 million years ago (Ma) and numerous remains of its subspecies have been found in what is now China. The oldest of these is the southwestern Yuanmou Man (元谋人; in Yunnan), dated to c. 1.7 Ma, which lived in a mixed bushland-forest environment alongside chalicotheres, deer, the elephant Stegodon ...

  2. Geography - note. note 1: world's fourth largest country (after Russia, Canada, and US) and largest country situated entirely in Asia; Mount Everest on the border with Nepal is the world's tallest peak above sea level note 2: the largest cave chamber in the world is the Miao Room, in the Gebihe cave system at China's Ziyun Getu He Chuandong National Park, which encloses some 10.78 million cu m ...

  3. El censo nacional de 2010 registró que la población de la República Popular China era de 1 370 536 875 habitantes. Cerca del 16,6 % era menor de catorce años, 70,14 % tenía entre 15 y 59 años y 13,26 % tenía más de sesenta años. 433 La tasa de crecimiento demográfico en 2013 era de 0,44 %. 434 .

  4. China map showing major cities as well as the many bordering East Asian countries and neighboring seas. Usage Factbook images and photos — obtained from a variety of sources — are in the public domain and are copyright free.

  5. China has an upper middle income, developing, mixed, socialist market economy incorporating industrial policies and strategic five-year plans. It is the world's second largest economy by nominal GDP, behind the United States, and the world's largest economy since 2016 when measured by purchasing power parity (PPP). China accounted for 19% of the global economy in 2022 in PPP terms, and around ...

  6. Die Volksrepublik China zählt zu den offiziellen Atommächten, ist als eine der 5 offiziellen Siegermächte des Zweiten Weltkriegs ständiges Mitglied des Weltsicherheitsrates sowie unter anderem Mitglied der Welthandelsorganisation, Weltbank, APEC, BRICS, UNESCO, Interpol, G20 .

  7. China's civilization dates from at least 1200 B.C. From the 3rd century B.C. and for the next two millennia, China alternated between periods of unity and disunity under a succession of imperial dynasties. After World War II, the Chinese Communist Party under MAO Zedong established an autocratic socialist system.

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