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  1. Compute lat/lon given radial and distance from a known point. Enter lat/lon of initial point, true course and distance. Select distance units and earth model and click "compute". Lat/lons may be entered in DD.DD, DD:MM.MM or DD:MM:SS.SS formats. Note that the starting point cannot be a pole.

  2. Javascript Great Circle Calculator using ellipsoidal earth models.

  3. Given a start point, initial bearing, and distance, this will calculate the destina­tion point and final bearing travelling along a (shortest distance) great circle arc. Destination point along great-circle given distance and bearing from start point

  4. 26 sie 2008 · This script [in Javascript] calculates great-circle distances between the two points – that is, the shortest distance over the earth’s surface – using the ‘Haversine’ formula.

  5. 28 paź 2010 · I have some problems with a great circle distance calculation using a map. Context: The map is supposed to work as a great circle distance search map - you move the circles center marker or the radius marker, and the circle gets smaller or larger.

  6. Calculate great circles routes as lines in GeoJSON or WKT format. Algorithms from Includes basic support for splitting lines that cross the dateline, based on a partial port of code from OGR.

  7. 27 lis 2019 · However, the calculation of the Great Circle Distance from two coordinates is simple, although I suspect generations of midshipmen might not have agreed. In this post I will write a short JavaScript application to calculate the distance from London to various other cities round the world.

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