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  1. Distance calculator is created for travelers in Canada. Using the calculator you can build directions between two cities in Canada. You can choose a route from the table, where presents the most popular routes of the country, or build a new direction. Select the city of departure and city - goal of journey and click Get Directions.

  2. Organizacje uczestniczące w programie Erasmus+ mogą do tego celu użyć kalkulatora odległości.Wszystkie odległości wyświetlą się w linii prostej. Uwaga: osoby prywatne nie powinny korzystać z tego kalkulatora, aby obliczyć kwotę, jaką powinny otrzymać w ramach dofinansowania. Kwota ta zależy od różnych czynników, od kosztów administracyjnych ponoszonych przez ...

  3. Length: 3.00 km. / 2.00 mi. Start: British Columbia border (Hwy 37) End: Hwy 1 near Upper Liard. Location: Yukon. To plan a trip by car, train, bus or by bicycle is definitely useful the service of RoadOnMap with information and driving directions always up to date. RoadOnMap allows you to calculate the route to go from the place of departure ...

  4. Dacă sunteți o organizație participantă la programul Erasmus+, puteți utiliza calculatorul de distanțe. Toate distanțele vor fi afișate în linie dreaptă. Notă: Solicitanții persoane fizice nu trebuie să utilizeze acest instrument pentru a stabili cuantumul finanțării de care ar urma să beneficieze. Acesta depinde de diverși factori, cum ar fi costurile administrative suportate ...

  5. Pri izračunu (najvišje) dotacije za pot se uporabi kalkulator razdalj (zračna linija), ki je dostopen na Distance Calculator | Erasmus+. Tabela 2: Izračun dotacije za pot na udeleženca glede na oddaljenost (po kalkulatorju Erasmus+) gostujoče institucije. V izračunu se za kraj odhoda upošteva sedež UL, Ljubljana.

  6. Driving distance calculator quickly estimates travel distance between cities, towns or points on a map in both kilometers and miles. Efficient and easy to use, it provides exact travel routes and distance by road. This distance calculator, designed for routes within Canada, North America, and worldwide, is the ideal tool for your travel planning.

  7. Erasmus+ Grant simulator. This tool will allow you to make a simulation of your Erasmus+ Grant. You will receive an estimate based on your mobility type, duration and location. We take into account some background information to tailor it as closely as possible to reality. The simulation will give you an estimate based on general European wide ...

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