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  1. 22 cze 2024 · Mrtav ladan Ceo film HD (2002) DS HD. 0:23. Mrtav ladan - Jebem ti saucesce / Domaci film. OTP. 0:29. Mrtav ladan - Mojne da mi diras dedu / Domaci film. KUD PUKLO. ... Mrtav 'ladan | movie | 2002 | Official Clip. JustWatch. 1:44:42. Mrtav ladan (2002) iWatch movie. 1:44:40. Mrtav 'ladan film (2002) EX YU STARI FILMOVI, SERIJE I EMISIJE.

  2. 6 kwi 2023 · Mrtav ladan Ceo film HD (2002) Dvojica braće, Kiza i Lemi, švercuju svog mrtvog dedu u vozu jer nemaju novac da ga prebace u Vršac, gde ih čeka njihov nezgodan otac koga se mnogo plaše.

  3. 15 mar 2002 · The basic plot revolves around drug dealer Limeni and two men, Lemi and Kiza, who are trying to transport their dead grandfather for burial, until their car breaks down and they end up struggling to get him home onboard a train. This is when these two plots intersect and all hell breaks loose.

  4. 9 mar 2024 · Реч је о два брата који покушавају да превезу свог мртвог деду у његов родни град, али га изгубе при том и покушавају да га пронађу пре сахране. *** Reč je o dva brata koji pokušavaju da prevezu svog mrtvog dedu u njegov rodni grad, ali ga izgube pri tom i pokušavaju da ga ...

  5. Mrtav 'ladan. A drug dealer Limeni (Tin man) who is said to have no heart, and two men Lemi and Kiza who are trying to transport their dead grandfather for burial, until their car breaks down and they end up struggling to get him home onboard a train.

  6. 15 mar 2002 · Frozen Stiff United Kingdom. Comedy. Drama. Two brothers, Lemi and Kiza, having spent all their money, try to relocate their dead grandfather from Belgrade to Vrsac at the lowest cost, but he goes missing along the way.

  7. Mrtav 'ladan. SERIES ( 2002 ) Country. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Comedy. It’s about two brothers trying to transport their dead grandfather to his hometown, but lose him in the process and try to find him back before the funeral. 4 episodes. e1 — Episode 1. Episode #1. 2002. e2. Episode #2. 2002. e3. Episode #3. 2002. e4. Episode #4. 2002.