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  1. The Serb uprising of 1848–49, also known as the Serb revolution of 1848–49 and Serb People's Movement of 1848–49, took place in what is today Vojvodina, Serbia, and was part of the Revolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire.

  2. In fact, in 1992, a referendum was held in Montenegro which was a vote 90% in favour of remaining with Yugoslavia. But there's a change because in this timeline they vote 90 against, and this is triggered by a real earthquake, which is the independence of both Kosovo and Vojvodina!

  3. On October 31, 1918, the Banat Republic was proclaimed in Timișoara, and the government of Hungary recognized its independence. This republic was short-lived; after several days, Serbian troops entered Banat and crushed the Republic.

  4. a referendum on its sovereignty and independence on February 29-March 1, 1992. The referendum was scheduled in accordance with the European Community's response to Bosnia-Hercegovina's request for international recognition.

  5. 23 cze 2024 · When Bosnia and Herzegovina’s independence was recognized by the United States and the EC on April 7, Bosnian Serb paramilitary forces immediately began firing on Sarajevo, and the artillery bombardment of the city by Bosnian Serb units of the Yugoslav army began soon thereafter.

  6. Some 6.5% of citizens saw Vojvodina as a republic within Serbia, 5.8% thought that autonomy should be abolished, and 5.0% saw Vojvodina as an independent state. 7.2% did not have an opinion or thought otherwise.

  7. Following the dissolution of the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro in May of 2006, Serbia passed a new constitution in October 2006 that formalized Vojvodina (along with Kosovo) as an autonomous province with some extended financial powers (Constitution 2006).

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