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  1. › notebook › navigation-and-flight-planningFlight Planning - CFI Notebook

    Glide Distance: The glide distance of the airplane is based on the glide ratio, a performance number to provide an idea of the options available in an engine out; More than airports, suitable roads and fields options for emergency landings increases with increased altitude

  2. Constraint analysis is essentially a way to look at aircraft weight, wing area, and engine thrust for various phases of flight and come to a decision about meaningful starting values of all three parameters for a given set of design objectives.

  3. Flight envelope diagram. In aerodynamics, the flight envelope, service envelope, or performance envelope of an aircraft or spacecraft refers to the capabilities of a design in terms of airspeed and load factor or atmospheric density, often simplified to altitude.

  4. vs. Flight-Level Optimization Optimization is a multi-dimensional occurrence. The most important dimensions are the area navigation (horizontal plane) and the flight-level (altitude or vertical plane) optimization, shown in Figure 3. Simply stated, a performance-based flight planning provider is a provider

  5. Flight plans are comprised of two distinct parts: ATC Flight Plan. (i.e., the coded ICAO portion) – This is what is ultimately sent to ATC and provides important information to air trafic services relative to an aircraft’s capabilities and route. Navigation Plan.

  6. Gamma is the ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv) for air. Very high speed aircraft will also be equipped with a Mach indicator since Mach number is a more relevant measure of aircraft speed at and above the speed of sound.

  7. Learning Objectives. Be aware of an airplane’s general performance characteristics in straight and level flight. Understand the fundamental differences between jet-powered and propeller-driven aircraft performance analyses. Review typical thrust-required curves for jet-powered aircraft and power-required curves for propeller-driven aircraft.