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  1. If you want to compare two distances to see which is closer, it's the same to compare two distanceSquared values. If you want your NavMeshAgent to stop when it's 2 units from its destination, stop when distanceSquared is 4.

  2. 3 cze 2021 · 1. To have the exact evaluation distance you need you can consider to create the planes of your cube with the plane class. Then you can obtain the distance with Plane.ClosestPointOnPlane, that is the smalles distance in plane's normal direction, the distance that you need.

  3. Description. Returns the distance between a and b. Vector3.Distance(a,b) is the same as (a-b).magnitude. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour . { public Transform other; void Example() { if (other) { float dist = Vector3.Distance (other.position, transform.position);

  4. 17 mar 2010 · A more mathematical approach, you could use the Pythagorean Theorem and calculate the hypotenuse using the right triangle with the grid units in unity. So, the square root of (delta)X^2 + (delta)Z^2 = flatdistance (this is a var) and then… square root of flatdistance^2 + (delta)Y^2 = distance between the two points

  5. We see how to calculate the distance between two objects in Unity, distance in space (Vector3) and distance in a plane (Vector2).

  6. 12 sty 2017 · Here is an example of a method that will determine the orthographic distance between two Vector3 coordinates, and output the value as a float. public float GetOrthographicDistance(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) { return Vector2.Distance( new Vector2(a.x, a.y), new Vector2(b.x, b.y)); }

  7. The distance between the objects is equal to the magnitude of the heading vector and this vector can be normalized by dividing it by its magnitude:-var distance = heading.magnitude; var direction = heading / distance; // This is now the normalized direction.