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  1. How to determine the minimum "Arrival Distance" given a maximum velocity, acceleration and jerk along with an initial velocity and acceleration?

  2. Distance is the length of the path taken by an object whereas displacement is the simply the distance between where the object started and where it ended up. For example, lets say you drive a car. You drive it 5 miles east and then 3 miles west.

  3. Initial Velocity is the velocity at time interval t = 0 and it is represented by u. It is the velocity at which the motion starts. They are four initial velocity formulas: (1) If time, acceleration and final velocity are provided, the initial velocity is articulated as. u = vat.

  4. We can talk about the distance between two points, or we can talk about the distance traveled by an object. Distance is defined to be the magnitude or size of displacement between two positions. Note that the distance between two positions is not the same as the distance traveled between them.

  5. The symbol v 0 [vee nought] is called the initial velocity or the velocity a time t = 0. It is often thought of as the "first velocity" but this is a rather naive way to describe it. A better definition would be to say that an initial velocity is the velocity that a moving object has when it first becomes important in a problem.

  6. Use distance to describe the total path between starting and ending points, and use displacement to describe the shortest path between starting and ending points. Measurement from your initial position to your final position is distance traveled, and the measurement of the total length of your path from the starting position to the final ...

  7. Simplifying the integral results in the equation v(t) = -9.8t + C_1, where C_1 is the initial velocity (in physics, this the initial velocity is v_0). This means that for every second, the velocity decreases by -9.8 m/s.