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  1. The Extra Slide isn't a slide, he is probably a shapeshifter pretending to be a slide, because you can see his hands as supports of the slide, eyes on the top and a mouth where the slide exit should be and it doesn't come at day, only at night, trying to do something. the height is 4.9 meters. '.

  2. 14 lut 2020 · Created on February 14, 2020. Weird error pasting excel data into powerpoint; only some rows going wrong. Hi all, I've got the weirdest error and am wondering if anyone else has come across this before / know how to fix... I have a table in xl that I want to paste into a ppt slide. Standard copy n paste stuff. But something very odd is going wrong.

  3. 28 lut 2014 · As others have said you are "tainting" the canvas by loading from a cross origins domain. However, you may be able to prevent this by simply setting: img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";

  4. 17 paź 2018 · SAS Invalid data set name. Posted 10-17-2018 04:11 PM (3856 views) Hi, We're using SAS V 9.04.01M4P110916. I'm accessing Data from a defined Library called: %let us_mkt = server='' database='IDP_PRD_US_MARKETING' port=5480 user=&db2_idx. password=&win_pwdx. libname ROLAP netezza &us_mkt. schema=USER_ROLAP.

  5. When working with Excel files with header information, paste the Clipboard data into data row 1 in Origin (not into the column label rows), then select a row and use the (right-click) shortcut key commands Set as Long Name, Set as Units, Set as Comment, etc. to tag your header information.

  6. Bootstrap JS Carousel Reference. Previous Next . JS Carousel (carousel.js) The Carousel plugin is a component for cycling through elements, like a carousel (slideshow). For a tutorial about Carousels, read our Bootstrap Carousel Tutorial.

  7. Importing Excel Data using the Import Excel Data Connector Dialog. Data Connectors are a relatively new general import mechanism. For Origin 2021b, the Import Excel toolbar button has been re-coded to use the Excel Connector, in place of the older impMSExcel routine.

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