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  1. Socrates-Erasmus – fragment pakietu programów edukacyjnych Socrates II Komisji Europejskiej, który ma na celu podnoszenie poziomu kształcenia i wzmacnianie jego europejskiego wymiaru w szkołach wyższych.

  2. Erasmus begins as stand-alone programme for European cooperation and mobility which ran through two programme phases between 1987 and 1994. It becomes the higher education sectoral programme within the broader “Socratesprogramme for education (1995-2006) and the Lifelong Learning programme (2007-2013).

  3. Our aim is to make it possible for our students to do their Erasmus Plus studies in their respective fields of interest and their chosen specialisation in European Studies or International RelationsEuropean Integration.

  4. Erasmus+ is the EU 's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The programme involves the 27 EU Member States and 6 non-EU associated countries with 55 National Agencies responsible for the decentralized management of most of the programme's actions.

  5. The SOCRATES programme was an educational initiative of the European Commission; 31 countries took part. The initial Socrates programme ran from 1994 until 31 December 1999 when it was replaced by the Socrates II programme on 24 January 2000, which ran until 2006.

  6. SOCRATES - Phase II. The aim of Socrates Phase II is to promote a Europe of knowledge and encourage lifelong education through learning foreign languages, encouraging mobility, promoting cooperation at European level, opening up to methods of access to education and increasing the use of new technologies in the field of education. ACT

  7. Its purpose is to provide foreign exchange options for students from within the European Union and it involves many of the best universities and seats of learning on the continent. What does ERASMUS+ do? The aim of ERASMUS+ is to achieve the EU Youth Strategy objectives: Reducing unemployment, especially among young people