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  1. 28 kwi 2019 · So to get the forward/backward speed only you can do something like this: speed = vehicleSeat.CFrame.LookVector:Dot(vehicleSeat.Velocity)

  2. I am looking to make a game in which there will be vehicles, specifically cars and boats. Vehicles will be controlled 100% by the player (can go forward, backwards and turn left/right). How can I make it so that exploiters will not be able to just adjust the speed of the vehicle?

  3. 24 kwi 2022 · I want to find a way to calculate the speed of an object’s movement, relative to their front side / local axis. Like in the example from below.

  4. 3 kwi 2022 · Since velocities of objects derive from you can check the magnitude (Base.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude) of your velocity. And to limit the velocity when it reaches a certain threshold, you can get the unit of the vector such as: Base.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Unit * MaxMagnitude (In this case you’re limiting it to 100 studs).

  5. VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed. number. Read Parallel. The maximum speed that can be attained. ©2024 Roblox Corporation.

  6. How fast the vehicles will be able to attain VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed. The greater the number, the faster it will reach the maximum speed.

  7. 30 kwi 2023 · Something as simple as. local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer. local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local HumanoidRootPart:Part = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") HumanoidRootPart.CustomPhysicalProperties = 100, .3, .5. )

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