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  1. 30 maj 2021 · Hi, I’m trying to find the current speed of a vehicle or VehicleSeat so I can make the vehicle sound pitch change depending on the speed. I have already tried this: while true do wait() print(Vehicle.VehicleSeat.…

  2. 9 maj 2022 · I assume you are asking to find what the velocity would be if it were localized to the surface/part’s orientation? The most intuitive way I would go about doing it would just be local globalVelocity = part.AssemblyLinearVelocity -- however you are getting it local localVelocity = part.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(globalVelocity)

  3. The maximum velocity the motor can use to reach Class.Motor.DesiredAngle measured in radians per physics frame (1/60th of a second).

  4. This code sample fires a part from one position toward another. It calculates the velocity needed to reach the destination in time, and applies an anti-gravity effect using a BodyForce. In addition, it adds a Trail to better visualize the path of the projectile as it arcs through the air.

  5. The MaxForce property determines the limit on the amount of force that may be applied on each axis in reaching the goal Velocity. If a part isn't moving, consider increasing this value (also check that it is not Anchored or attached to any anchored parts).

  6. Datatype.Vector3 velocity value when Class.LinearVelocity.VelocityConstraintMode|VelocityConstraintMode is set to Enum.VelocityConstraintMode|Vector.

  7. VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed. number. Read Parallel. The maximum speed that can be attained. ©2024 Roblox Corporation.

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