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  1. 28 kwi 2019 · So to get the forward/backward speed only you can do something like this: speed = vehicleSeat.CFrame.LookVector:Dot(vehicleSeat.Velocity)

  2. 31 gru 2023 · how could make an acceleration/deceleration script apply to a driver seat without changing the torque because then it prevents the vehicle from acceleration. local Seat = script.Parent local Train = Seat.Parent local Body = Train.Body local LBogie = Train.LBogie local RBogie = Train.RBogie speed = 500 acceleration = 0.1 deceleration = 0.2 Seat ...

  3. Then I came up with a much harder problem: How do I get the speed of a BasePart (in this case a VehicleSeat) and display it on a GUI. I've looked at other forums and they have been using .Velocity but to my understanding that is outdated and there's a newer way.

  4. 11 paź 2018 · Vehicle seats are not detecting throttle or steer input since the PlayerModule update today. Breaking any vehicles that rely on these properties of the Vehicle Seat. Repro: Try to drive one of the Jeeps in the Racing p…

  5. How fast the vehicles will be able to attain VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed. The greater the number, the faster it will reach the maximum speed.

  6. 13 gru 2022 · I’m working on a cart ride and i’m using a vehicle seat. I noticed the throttle going up really fast. What i want to achieve is basically the car starting to move but then taking some time to get to maximum speed. How can i achieve this with VehicleSeats? Thanks in advance!

  7. 30 maj 2021 · Hi, I’m trying to find the current speed of a vehicle or VehicleSeat so I can make the vehicle sound pitch change depending on the speed. I have already tried this: while true do wait() print(Vehicle.VehicleSeat.…

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