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  1. 28 wrz 2020 · Hello, so I was wondering how to setup a keybind event for a vehicleseat/seat. So maybe in a car if you held down the H key, the horn would sound. Or maybe for a steam train if you held down E, a particle emitter would be enabled shooting steam out of a pipe.

  2. Before you do this tutorial, it is strongly recommended to read VehicleSeats . Let's add a script to make things happen when you drive your vehicle. Now, create a script and place it into a VehicleSeat.

  3. Help. So basically I have been making a train sim, and soon realized that I wanted to make my own Speed GUI for the train when the character is sitting in the VehicleSeat. I wanted to do this because I wanted to have a GUI display the speed to MPH.

  4. The VehicleSeat objects welds a player to the seat when the player touches the seat. It then forwards the movement keys to any connected motor joints, allowing control of a vehicle. While VehicleSeats are great for making simple vehicles they do have some limitations.

  5. 9 maj 2023 · While the car/plane is in motion, substitute "WASD" or the arrow keys with "UHJK" for the plane movement, and press those keys repeatedly to turn the car/plane. Alternatively, zoom all the way in and use your left mouse button for smooth movement.

  6. 27 maj 2022 · Create a GUI for the player that once they are seated will connect the functions of the vehicle throttle and steering from the UI buttons to the vehicle inputs. This GUI will be accessed through UIS or CAS determining your input type.

  7. 15 wrz 2022 · You need to script the boat’s thrust with the inputs of the VehicleSeat. VehicleSeat MaxTorque and MaxSpeed values were only used on older versions of vehicles. The MaxSpeed allows your ‘speedometer’ to scale to the value of your speed on the screen, but the speedometer max value is set to MaxSpeed.

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