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  1. The VehicleSeat objects welds a player to the seat when the player touches the seat. It then forwards the movement keys to any connected motor joints, allowing control of a vehicle. While VehicleSeats are great for making simple vehicles they do have some limitations.

  2. 31 gru 2023 · how could make an acceleration/deceleration script apply to a driver seat without changing the torque because then it prevents the vehicle from acceleration. local Seat = script.Parent. local Train = Seat.Parent. local Body = Train.Body. local LBogie = Train.LBogie. local RBogie = Train.RBogie. speed = 500. acceleration = 0.1. deceleration = 0.2.

  3. Before you do this tutorial, it is strongly recommended to read VehicleSeats . Let's add a script to make things happen when you drive your vehicle. Now, create a script and place it into a VehicleSeat.

  4. Change documentation language. The maximum speed that can be attained.

  5. How fast the vehicles will be able to attain VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed. The greater the number, the faster it will reach the maximum speed.

  6. This property is not longer replicated and has been deprecated in favor of VehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat, which is a float variant and should be used instead. The direction of movement, tied to the keys W and S. Must be an integer 1 (forward) 0 (null) or -1 (reverse).

  7. VehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat. Functions identically to VehicleSeat.Throttle, but the value is not an integer.

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