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  1. Short distance sailing is a term which is applied to sailing along a rhumb-line for distances less than 600 nautical miles. From the formulas derived above, the following are used extensively in short distance sailing:

  2. Using two different examples, this video shows how to calculate the course and distance between two positions; and how to calculate the position arrived if d...

  3. A rhumb line makes the same angle with all meridians it crosses and appears as a straight line on a Mercator chart. The principal advantage of a rhumb line is that it maintains

  4. Great circle navigation - sailing calculator software: distance-bearing between two points - formulas - rhumb line - excel spreadsheet program - free download

  5. The initial rhumb line course equals the orthodromic course at the middle latitude. The rule is mnemonic and straightforward for practical navigation.

  6. The formulas for determining a ship’s dead-reckoned position, given an initial known location, the vessel’s course and speed, and the time elapsed, are referred to as the sailing formulas. These...

  7. ABSTRACT Although the mathematical basis for rhumb lines on the ellipsoidal earth is well known, the earth's oblateness is usually neglected in dead-reckoning sailing calculations. This leads to si...

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