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  1. Calculating the distance between two points along a rhumb line. In the next diagram, A, B, C, D and Z are meridians of longitude; the lines aB, bC, and cD are different parallels of latitude; and the line ABCDZ is a rhumb line.

  2. Great circle navigation - sailing calculator software: distance-bearing between two points - formulas - rhumb line - excel spreadsheet program - free download.

  3. The formulas for determining a ship’s dead-reckoned position, given an initial known location, the vessel’s course and speed, and the time elapsed, are referred to as the sailing formulas....

  4. The following formulae are used extensively in short distance sailing: To Calculate Departure when the course is not known: dep.= d.long cos (mean lat) To Calculate Departure when the course is Known: Dep = Dist x Sin (course) To Calculate Distance when departure and course are known: Dist = Dep / Sin (course)

  5. In this case the Rhumb Line track will be 270°, and the Rhumb Line distance is easy to calculate, using the formula for departure. Observing the Great Circle track and the rhumb line track between the same positions on the Earth’s surface: • The Great Circle track will continuously change it’s true direction, while the 4 The Rhumb Line and

  6. Using two different examples, this video shows how to calculate the course and distance between two positions; and how to calculate the position arrived if d...

  7. In broad terms, there are two main types of sailing, namely, the Rhumb Line sailing and the Great Circle sailing. The Mercator Sailing is the most accurate method employed in marine navigation to handle calculations related to Rhumb Line sailing.

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