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  1. A rhumb line intersects all meridians (lines of longitude) at the same angle. In other words, you follow it by flying a constant heading. The shortest distance between two points on a (nearly) spherical globe follows a great-circle route.

  2. A rhumbline is a straight path from your departure airport to your destination and is for a FF. The game uses "great circle path" when making the flight path in an FF. That means the quickest route from one place to another place on the globe. (Credits to Noodle Arm for that) The heading is the direction in degrees your plane is going.

  3. If your destination airport is a non-hub, follow the rhumb line to the last R00X waypoint and then set your heading for the airport once cleared to it. For hub landings it's not as clear cut. You can do the same thing described above, OR you can navigate to one of the approach waypoints that comes after the last R00X waypoint.

  4. You can still complete the event and see the score screen, but you don't get the $ added to your account and it doesn't count in your stats. *(1) multiple events open at the same time on other devices and (2) network connection problems.

  5. I understand using the rhumb line method is great for long trips even if it takes longer to arrive at your destination apposed to using the great circle route which the game uses for shortest distance to your destination. Not using the rhumb line requires course adjusting, especially between the R00 points.

  6. I know Rhumb line is Used for FF to go to an Straight line and no need to change Heading again and again, But idk how to setup an Rhumb line, Please…

  7. I’ve been using the Rhumb line method for a month now with no problems at all. Last night I activated this flight and adjusted the speed so I can find it in the morning. When I woke up, I changed the flight plan to manual WP as usual so i can reach the last ROX which is R015.

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