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  1. 15 lut 2019 · Tissue partial pressure of oxygen (PtO 2) is regulated by the blood flow, the availability of oxygen and the consumption rate from one region to another [3,24,35,36]. The Bohr effect allows that hemoglobin releases more oxygen in response to the metabolic rate of that tissue in highly aerobic tissues [ 37 ].

  2. 22 gru 2022 · While PAO2 is the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli, Patm is the atmospheric pressure at sea level equaling 760 mm Hg. PH2O is the partial pressure of water equal to approximately 45 mmHg. FiO2 is the fraction of inspired oxygen.

  3. Podano normy podczas oddychania powietrzem atmosferycznym na poziomie morza (stężenie tlenu 20,9%, co odpowiada FiO 2 = 0,209). Podczas oddychania 100% tlenem (FiO 2 = 1,0) u zdrowego człowieka PaO 2 może sięgać ~600 mm Hg, a SaO 2 wyniesie 100%.

  4. In clinical practice, the level of arterial oxygenation can be measured either directly by blood gas sampling to measure partial pressure ( PaO2) and percentage saturation ( SaO2) or indirectly by pulse oximetry ( SpO2 ).

  5. The alveolar oxygen partial pressure is lower than the atmospheric O 2 partial pressure for two reasons. Firstly, as the air enters the lungs, it is humidified by the upper airway and thus the partial pressure of water vapour (47 mmHg) reduces the oxygen partial pressure to about 150 mmHg.

  6. Wskaźnik oksygenacji (PaO 2 /FiO 2) – iloraz ciśnienia parcjalnego tlenu we krwi tętniczej i zawartości tlenu w mieszaninie oddechowej (zawartość tlenu przedstawiona w formie ułamka dziesiętnego) [1]. Wykorzystywany w ocenie wydolności oddechowej organizmu człowieka.

  7. 7 kwi 2018 · During EGTA ventilation, the mean arterial PCO2 measured 77.1 +/- 34 mm Hg; endotracheal intubation decreased the mean PCO2 to 57.8 +/- 34.4 mm Hg.

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