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  1. 19 maj 2024 · Use these handy Excel formulas for circle and sphere calculations! Whether they’re a distant memory from school days or a recent discovery, you can easily compute them using Pi π, or as Excel dubs it, Pi (). Circle formulas in Excel. Sphere formulas in Excel. Earth, Moon and Sun calcs in Excel.

  2. 29 kwi 2018 · I can't get my head around plotting a circle on a big sphere (Planet Earth). I have a column that has 180 rows - 1 for each degree. The next row is each degree converted to radians. Easy so far. A1 is the centre point of the radius latitude. B1 is the centre point of the radius longitude. C1 is the radius required in miles.

  3. 24 sie 2017 · Calculate the ellipse centered at your desired position using those two axis lengths (8/69) degrees latitude and 8/(69*COSINE(Latitude)) degrees longitude and then plot those points on your map. Note that you may need to use 16 instead of 8 - you never said if your circle was diameter or radius....

  4. 1 sty 2009 · Circles: Complete Squares to Find Radius & Center In a multiplied-out circle equation, you can't "see" the radius or center. Completing squares lets you put equations back in useful form.

  5. To specify a circle in 3D, you need to know its center, its radius, and also how it's "tilted", which means which plane it lives in. So you will need two equations, one defining the relevant sphere (which specifies the center and radius) and one defining the relevant plane (which specifies the tilt).

  6. The formula for calculating the surface area of a sphere is: The Greek letter π ("pi") represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. In Excel, π is represented in a formula with the PI function, which returns the number 3.14159265358979, accurate to 15 digits: =PI() // returns 3.14159265358979

  7. As found here by BrianAdkins, this Excel formula to calculate distance between two latitude/longitude points works for me both in LibreOffice Calc and Microsoft Excel 2013: =ACOS(COS(RADIANS(90-A1))*COS(RADIANS(90-A2))+SIN(RADIANS(90-A1))*SIN(RADIANS(90-A2))*COS(RADIANS(B1-B2)))*6371

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