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  1. 1 sty 2000 · Use this tool to convert a specified calendar date/time to an equivalent Julian Day (JD) number. Enter a date as year - month - day (e.g., 2000-01-01) with an optional time separated from the date with either a space or underbar _ (e.g., 2000-01-01 12:00) .

  2. 6 maj 2016 · Day-of-Year (JDay) The calculator is bi-directional*. Make Calendar. Select Month / Day / Year and press the "Show_Calendar" button. The Calendar will be displayed in Regular and/or Julian Date Format. Compute JDay from Month / Day / Year*. Select Month / Day / Year. JDay value is then automatically displayed.

  3. JULIAN DAYS, 2026 Date Julian Date Julian Date Julian Date Julian 0 hUT Day 0 UT Day 0h UT Day 0h UT Day 246 246 246 246 Jan. 0 1040.5 Feb. 15 1086.5 Apr. 2 1132.5 May 18 1178.5 1 1041.5 16 1087.5 3 1133.5 19 1179.5 2 1042.5 17 1088.5 4 1134.5 20 1180.5 3 1043.5 18 1089.5 5 1135.5 21 1181.5 4 1044.5 19 1090.5 6 1136.5 22 1182.5

  4. Julian Date Converter. Julian dates (JD) serve as a continuous time system commonly employed in astronomy and related sciences to conveniently represent date and time as a single real number. Originating from Julian Day Number, the Julian date starts from noon Universal Time (UT) on January 1, 4713 BCE, as established in the Julian calendar.

  5. JULIAN DAYS, 2022 Date Julian Date Julian Date Julian Date Julian 0 hUT Day 0 UT Day 0h UT Day 0h UT Day 245 245 245 245 Jan. 0 9579.5 Feb. 15 9625.5 Apr. 2 9671.5 May 18 9717.5 1 9580.5 16 9626.5 3 9672.5 19 9718.5 2 9581.5 17 9627.5 4 9673.5 20 9719.5 3 9582.5 18 9628.5 5 9674.5 21 9720.5 4 9583.5 19 9629.5 6 9675.5 22 9721.5

  6. JULIAN DAYS, 2024 Date Julian Date Julian Date Julian Date Julian 0 hUT Day 0 UT Day 0h UT Day 0h UT Day 246 246 246 246 Jan. 0 0309.5 Feb. 15 0355.5 Apr. 1 0401.5 May 17 0447.5 1 0310.5 16 0356.5 2 0402.5 18 0448.5 2 0311.5 17 0357.5 3 0403.5 10 0449.5 3 0312.5 18 0358.5 4 0404.5 20 0450.5

  7. Change civil date to calculate Julian Day Number and day-of-week, or vice versa. After changing a text box, click outside of the calculator, or press tab, to update all other data. (Don't press return.) In Auto mode, civil calendar changes from Julian to Gregorian between October 5/16, 1582.

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