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  1. The research proposal is one of the mandatory parts of your research master’s. Within this proposal, you describe a study that has the duration of a PhD-project.

  2. Contents: Be clear, objective, succinct and realistic in your objectives. Show that you have identified a clear research gap, i.e. that you are proposing an original research project that will make a significant contribution to knowledge.

  3. WHAT IS A RESEARCH PROPOSAL? • A document written for a thesis/dissertation • A statement of intent. It outlines what you propose to do and why your research should take place

  4. Developing a research proposal takes time. The process starts by identifying a general area or research and then developing a focused research question to be answered.

  5. 1 sty 2008 · It covers the when, why and how to aspects of research proposals, and uses examples to illustrate the most effective way to communicate research ideas.

  6. Introduction to Bullet Pointing Research Papers. 2. Benefits of Bullet Pointing in Writing Processes. 3. Strategies for Effective Bulletin Point Creation. 4. Examples of Well-Formatted and Cohesive Bulleted Points. 5. Pitfalls to Avoid when Structuring Bullets in a Paper. 6. Tips for Paragraph Development after Listing Points. 7.

  7. What is the main research question or aim that you want to address? What are the specific objectives for the proposed research that follow from this? Why is the proposed research significant, why does it matter (either theoretically or practically), and why does it excite you?

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