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  1. To make your element both (1) look like a bullet point and (2) behave like a bullet point, you should set the display of that element to list-item. Optionally, you can also set list-style-type (default : disc) and list-style-position (default : outside) attributes to modify the behavior / look-and-feel of your list item.

  2. Using list-style-position: outside and padding on the LI elements allows you to increase the distance between the bullet points but it still doesn't work the other way around beyond a browser specified offset.

  3. Workik AI provides broad CSS code assistance, which includes 1. Code Generation: Produces CSS code snippets and templates for quick styling. 2. Debugging: Identifies and fixes CSS issues with intelligent suggestions. 3. Testing: Ensures cross-browser compatibility and responsive design

  4. 11 sie 2020 · A modern and a semantic way to customize your bullet points is to use marker pseudo-element. It selects a marker box of a list item, that way you have before and after pseudo-elements saved for later usage.

  5. 2 wrz 2020 · Use CSS to to customize the color, size or type of numbers or bullets in `` or `` elements.

  6. 24 maj 2022 · CSS Custom Bullet Points [ Updated ] HTML has two types of lists, ( OL) order list and ( UL) unordered list. By default, each list item is a circle placed to the left of the item. In this tutorial, we will add custom bullet points using CSS.

  7. In this tutorial, you will come to know how to create custom bullet points for list item in CSS. You can view demo and download code.