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  1. Compute lat/lon given radial and distance from a known point. Enter lat/lon of initial point, true course and distance. Select distance units and earth model and click "compute". Lat/lons may be entered in DD.DD, DD:MM.MM or DD:MM:SS.SS formats. Note that the starting point cannot be a pole.

  2. The surname Williams was first found in Breconshire and Monmouthshire on the English/ Welsh border, where they are traditionally believed to be descended from Brychan Brecheiniog who was Lord of Brecknock at the time of King Arthur of the Round Table.

  3. Google Maps is the best way to explore and navigate the world. You can search for places, get directions, see traffic, satellite and street views, and more. Whether you need to find a restaurant, a hotel, a landmark, or a friend, Google Maps can help you get there quickly and easily.

  4. Williams Surname Name Meaning, Origin, History, & Etymology. This is a patronymic or baptismal surname meaning “son of William”, an old personal (first) name. The name originates in medieval times in Wales and England. The name means golden helmet, deriving from the Old German gild helm, or it means protection.

  5. Learn the fascinating origin of the Williams surname; its meaning & distribution. Unlock your family history in the largest database of last names.

  6. Distance Units: Earth model: Javascript Great Circle Calculator using ellipsoidal earth models.

  7. This calculator computes the great circle distance between two points on the earth's surface. The program is operated by entering two geographic points and then pressing the Calculate button. The entry form allows you to enter geographic position in degrees, minutes, and seconds.