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  1. 22 wrz 2020 · Ambasada Stanów Zjednoczonych oraz American Councils for International Education zapraszają uczniów szkół średnich do udziału w Programie FLEX. Jest on finansowany przez Departament Stanu USA. Umożliwia polskim uczniom naukę w amerykańskiej szkole średniej w roku szkolnym 2021/22.

  2. Program FLEX, czyli Future Leaders Exchange Program, to całoroczny, w pełni finansowany przez Departament Stanu USA program wymiany dla uczniów szkół średnich. Program FLEX działa w Polsce od 2015 roku.

  3. 4 wrz 2018 · The FLEX program is the U.S. Embassy’s flagship youth exchange program now in its fourth year and already one of the most popular in the region with over 2800 applications last year.

  4. FLEX is not a language program. Finalists are selected more because they have demonstrated an ability to adapt and thrive in a new environment, rather than for their language skills.

  5. FLEX Abroad is a cultural exchange program for Polish families and American youth. Young Americans come to Poland and attend Polish high schools for one academic year. They live with host families for the whole program.

  6. After three decades of success welcoming international students to the United States through the Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) program, we are now offering an opportunity for U.S. citizens to go abroad.

  7. FLEX is a unique opportunity for secondary school students from Europe and Eurasia, including students with a disability, to spend one academic year in the U.S., living with a volunteer host family and attending a U.S. high school.

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