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  1. 18.2 Calculating Speed, Distance and Time In this section we extend the ideas of speed to calculating distances and times, using the following formulae: Speed = Distance Time Distance =Speed Time× Time = Distance Speed Example 1 Jane drives at an average speed of 45 mph on a journey of 135 miles. How long does the journey take? Solution Time ...

  2. A. Speed = Distance/Time. B. Time = Distance/Speed. C. Distance = Speed × Time In some questions you will be given speed in kilometres per hour (km/hr) and you will have to convert it in meters per second (m/s) and vice versa. We know that 1 km equals 1000 meters and 1 hour is 3600 seconds.

  3. SPEED, TIMES AND DISTANCE. Concept of speed, time and distance is based on the formula Speed × time=Distance. Speed(s): The rate at which any moving body covers a particular distance is called is speed. Speed= ; Time(t): uration over which the movement has occurred. The unit used for measuring time is synchronous with de.

  4. Question 4: Calculate the average speeds for each of the following. (a) A man jogs 6 miles in 1 hour 12 minutes. (b) A motorcycle drives 130 miles in 2 hours 36 minutes. (c) A helicopter Wlies 152 miles in 1 hour 54 minutes.

  5. Speed and Distance. Speed is the distance you are travelling, divided by the length of time that it takes you to get there. Speed = Similarly, we can rearrange this equation as. Distance = Speed x Time . and . Time = Example. This chart describes the distance between four towns.

  6. Calculate the time it takes to travel a distance of 672 km at a speed of 96 km/h. 15. A beetle travels at a speed of 0.09 m/s, it travels a distance of 1.08 m before it is caught

  7. A straight line on a distance-time graph represents that a particle has constant speed. Curvature suggests that a particle is accelerating or decelerating. Worked Example: Speed-time graphs and acceleration-time graphs. Example with a car along a straight road. A car drives along a straight road.

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