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  1. 14. Calculate the time it takes to travel a distance of 672 km at a speed of 96 km/h. 15. A beetle travels at a speed of 0.09 m/s, it travels a distance of 1.08 m before it is caught in a jar. Calculate the time taken for the beetle to run. 16. Carlisle is a distance of 35 miles away from Lockerbie. If I travelled at a constant speed

  2. Speed is the distance you are travelling, divided by the length of time that it takes you to get there. Speed = Similarly, we can rearrange this equation as. Distance = Speed x Time . and . Time = Example. This chart describes the distance between four towns.

  3. Speed, Distance, Time Videos 299 on Corbettmaths Question 5: Calculate how far each of the following travels. (a) A car travels at a speed of 50mph for 3 hours. (b) A plane Wlies at a speed of 230 kilometres per hour for 2 hours. (c) A lorry drives for 4 hours at a speed of 45 miles per hour.

  4. Speed distance time is the formula used to explain the relationship between speed, distance and time. That is speed = distance ÷ time . Or to put it another way distance divided by speed will give you the time.

  5. 18.2 Calculating Speed, Distance and Time In this section we extend the ideas of speed to calculating distances and times, using the following formulae: Speed = Distance Time Distance =Speed Time× Time = Distance Speed Example 1 Jane drives at an average speed of 45 mph on a journey of 135 miles. How long does the journey take? Solution Time ...

  6. SPEED, TIMES AND DISTANCE. Concept of speed, time and distance is based on the formula Speed × time=Distance. Speed(s): The rate at which any moving body covers a particular distance is called is speed. Speed= ; Time(t): uration over which the movement has occurred. The unit used for measuring time is synchronous with de.

  7. A. Speed = Distance/Time. B. Time = Distance/Speed. C. Distance = Speed × Time In some questions you will be given speed in kilometres per hour (km/hr) and you will have to convert it in meters per second (m/s) and vice versa. We know that 1 km equals 1000 meters and 1 hour is 3600 seconds.

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