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  1. The Geographic Distance Matrix Generator is a platform-independent Java application that implements the same powerful suite of spherical functions as the Perpendicular Distance Calculator to compute all pair wise distances from a simple list of geographic coordinates.

  2. This section focuses first on how we estimate distances, depending upon the level of interest, and then highlights some approaches for visualizing and gaining inferences from the distance matrix itself.

  3. GenAlEx can generate many worksheets in routine analysis, so the ability to create and manipulate new workbooks and new worksheets within workbooks is particularly important. Each worksheet output by GenAlEx is given a name dependent on the analysis performed.

  4. Each distance between BF and the other sequences (A, C, D, E and G) is the mean distance between them and B and F from the original matrix. E.g. d(A,BF) = (d(A,B) + d(A,F))/2. Identify the shortest pairwise distance in the new matrix.

  5. 24 wrz 2014 · Euclidean distance matrix in Excel =SQRT((VLOOKUP($E3,Table1,2,FALSE)-VLOOKUP(F$2,Table1,2,FALSE))^2+(VLOOKUP($E3,Table1,3,FALSE)-VLOOKUP(F$2,Table1,3,FALSE))^2) Use this to lookup the point name from the co-ordinates table and compute the distance matrix.

  6. You can work directly on your binary data without the need of distance matrix calculation - PAST does it for you. You can choose different ways to analyze your data including PCA and PCoA.

  7. genalex is a user-friendly cross-platform package that runs within Microsoft Excel, enabling population genetic analyses of codominant, haploid and binary data. Allele frequency-based analyses include heterozygosity, F statistics, Nei's genetic.

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