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  1. Pomofocus is a customizable pomodoro timer that works on desktop & mobile browser. The aim of this app is to help you focus on any task you are working on, such as study, writing, or coding. This app is inspired by Pomodoro Technique which is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo.

  2. An aesthetic Pomodoro timer to keep you focused and motivated. Customize your study timer and choose from a variety of aesthetic themes.

  3. The ZenFocus timer uses the pomodoro method out of the box! Simply select from the available themes and hit start to begin your first pomodoro. Once you reach 25 minutes, the background will fade and you can then start your break. Then once your time’s up, start another pomodoro.

  4. It works like a 20 minute timer on steroids! designed to study or work without procrastinating. Based on Pomodoro Technique, you can keep focused listening to soft music, checking your to do list, customizing the timer, and taking challenges to stay motivated, all with a clean and aesthetic design.

  5. A simple Pomodoro Timer app that works on a desktop & mobile browser. Pomofucus will help you manage your time and let you focus on any tasks such as study, writing, or coding.

  6. Pomodoro Tracker is a productivity app designed for your work and study. Stay focused and finish tasks effectively. Take more time to your life.

  7. Nesto is a convenient Pomodoro timer with embedded music and notifications for desktop and mobile devices. This app enables you to deeply focus on your tasks, be it creating, studying or working. Uninterrupted music allows you to get in the “state of flow” even in a noisy environment.

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